Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fortidens byer

Min kommentar til dagens artikkel hos Forskning.no: Hvordan støtte grønne entusiaster?

Fortidens byer
Skrevet av Øyvind Holmstad, 2012-08-21 07:59:18
Personlig har jeg intet ønske om å bo i fremtidens byer, hva jeg ønsker er å bo i fortidens byer, fulle av skjønnhet og interaksjon (Eller "A Pattern Language" & "The Nature of Order").

Men kanskje kan vi igjen en dag se noe som minner om fortidens byer, da jeg håper flere kan få øynene opp for "Village Towns"-bevegelsen:


Min venn Tracy Gayton har et flott "Village Town"-prosjekt i startgropa i Main, USA. THE PISCATAQUIS VILLAGE PROJECT:


Her snakker vi om ekte urbanisme med dype røtter i historien!

"Village Towns", i likhet med "Transition Towns", "New Urbanism", "Pocket Neighborhoods", "P2P-Urbanism", "The Not so Big House" etc., har alle sitt utspring i arbeidene til Christopher Alexander, og alle grunnleggerne av disse bevegelsene peker mot Alexander som en av sine største inspirasjonskilder, og da ikke minst mot klassikeren "A Pattern Language", et mesterverk om urban interaksjon. Ignoreringen av denne boka innen akademia er en absolutt tragedie for menneskeheten! Fremdeles kun ei kultbok, selv om den trolig er verdens mest solgte bok om arkitektur, og ligger på salgstoppen hos Amazon år etter år.

Alexander kommer forresten med ei ny bok i høst!

Here is the Amazon.com description of The Battle for the Life and Beauty of the Earth: A Struggle between Two World-Systems, the new book to be published in October by Christopher Alexander:

"The purpose of all architecture, writes Christopher Alexander, is to encourage and support life-giving activity, dreams, and playfulness. But in recent decades, while our buildings are technically better--more sturdy, more waterproof, more energy efficient-- they have also became progressively more sterile, rarely providing the kind of environment in which people are emotionally nourished, genuinely happy, and deeply contented.

Using the example of his building of the Eishin Campus in Japan, Christopher Alexander and his collaborators reveal an ongoing dispute between two fundamentally different ways of shaping our world. One system places emphasis on subtleties, on finesse, on the structure of adaptation that makes each tiny part fit into the larger context. The other system is concerned with efficiency, with money, power and control, stressing the more gross aspects of size, speed, and profit. This second, "business-as-usual" system, Alexander argues, is incapable of creating the kind of environment that is able to genuinely support the emotional, whole-making side of human life. To confront this sterile system, the book presents a new architecture that we--both as a world-wide civilization, and as individual people and cultures--can create, using new processes that allow us to build places of human energy and beauty. The book outlines nine ways of working, each one fully dedicated to wholeness, and able to support day-to-day activities that will make planning, design and construction possible in an entirely new way, and in more humane ways."

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