Saturday, September 27, 2014

"The Commons" er ingen tragedie, men sivilisasjonens redning, vår felles fremtid!

Dessverre faller Erik Tunstad i den vante fella og sprer den falske myten til Garret Hardin om "allmenningens tragedie" til det norske folk.

Les artikkelen kommentaren er knyttet til her.
Bra artikkel, men dette er ikke allmenningens tragedie. 
Allmenningen er tvert imot en modell for økolokisk styring!
- The Commons as a Model for Ecological Governance:

"But Hardin was not describing a commons. He described a scenario in which there were no boundaries to the grazing land, no rules for managing it, and no community of users. That is not a commons; it is an open-access regime or free-for-all. A commons has boundaries, rules, social norms, and sanctions against “free riders.” A commons requires that there be a community willing to act as a steward of a resource.

Yet, Hardin’s misrepresentation of actual commons as a failed paradigm – a “tragedy” – stuck in the public mind and became an article of faith. Economists and conservative pundits saw the story as a useful way to affirm their ideas that private property rights and markets are the best way to manage shared resources." - David Bollier

James Alexander Arnfinsen har nettopp intervjuet commoner-kjempen David Bollier hos!

- Episode 106: The commons as an approach to governance, sustainable resource management and social wellbeing:

Det norske ordet allmenning dekker ikke helt opp for det engelske ordet "the commons"

"Alain Lipietz, a French political figure and student of the commons, traces the word "commons" to William the Conquerer and the Normans - not the English, interestingly. The term "commons" supposedly comes from the Norman word commun, which comes from the word munus, which means both "gift" and "counter-gift", which is to say, a duty.

I think this etymology gets to the nub of the commons. We need to recover a world in which we all receive gifts and we all have duties. This is a very important way of being human. The expansion of centralized political and market structures has tragically eclipsed our need for gifts and duties. We rely on the institutions of the Market and the State for everything, leaving little room for personal agency or moral commitment. And so we have largly lost confidence in what Ivan Illich called the vernacular domain, the spaces in our everyday life in which we can create and shape and negotiate our lives." - David Bollier

Her er noen lenker til "tragedy of the commons" hos p2p-foundation:

Jeg er hjertens enig i hva du skriver, men slutt å spre denne falske og ødeleggende myten til Garret Hardin!

Det er tvert imot markeds/stat-duopolet som er den store trusselen mot vår verden:

"Once you learn to identify the commons and understand its dynamics, it becomes quite clear that the privatization and commodification of the commons is one of the great unacknowledged scandals of our time. Its pernicious effects are everywhere." - David Bollier

Så "the Commons" er ingen tragedie, men sivilisasjonens redning, vår felles fremtid!


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