Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Inkluderende kapitalisme fungerer ikke og er en farlig illusjon

En tankevekkende artikkel for de som tror at kapitalismen kan reformeres og gjøres mer inkluderende.

- Inclusive Capitalism won’t work and is a dangerous illusion

Hadde enda Bongard og lommedemokratiet de samme ressursene tilgjengelig som Bill og Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey osv., for å skape nye historier og metaforer. Dessverre lytter folk heller til Gates og hans fortellinger, enn til Bongard. Men Gates "programvare" for å redde verden fungerer nok dessverre ikke. F.eks. har han ikke programmert inn elementære forutsetninger for menneskeatferd, som handikapprinsippet, inngruppa, menneskets grådighet og kortsiktighet, etc. Så Gates programvare er dømt til å kræsje, og det hele vil gå i svart. En restart for å nullstille systemet vil ikke hjelpe oss da.
These days the loudest critics of the status quo are not social movements or labor unions; they are people like Bill and Melinda Gates, Sheryl Sandberg, Oprah Winfrey, and John Mackey. Each of them has a plan to solve the problems of society, and they use their power and reach to share their stories and implement their ideas.

Bill and Melinda Gates, for example, believe in the power of markets and the profit motive to solve problems like childhood disease and unequal educational attainment. They believe that these problems exist because markets don’t serve poor people equally, so institutions like the Gates Foundation need to step in and engage in ‘creative capitalism’ by commoditizing health care and using market logic to make public schools and teachers more ‘competitive.’

John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods Market, thinks we need to foster ‘true’ or ‘free-enterprise’ capitalism to save the planet from ecological collapse. He presents another new model called “conscious capitalism” that emphasizes free markets and entrepreneurship to optimize value for stakeholders and create an “operating system” that is “in harmony with the fundamentals of human nature” and the planet.

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, is passionate about ending gender inequality, while Oprah Winfrey is concerned about anxiety, depression and alienation. Both women tackle these problems by emphasizing internal barriers like fear, socialization, and negative thinking. They encourage people, especially other women, to take charge of their lives by being assertive and thinking positive, and insist that if all of us as individuals think and act more productively then we will reach our goals—whether the goal is ‘feminism’ Sandberg-style or prosperity and happiness in the case of Winfrey.

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