Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Biophilia and Healing Environments - a booklet by Nikos A. Salingaros and video

Tenk å bo her, midt i Gamla stan, med en egen liten park i bakgården. Uten en bil i gatene.

Gamla stan, Skandinavias eneste Village Town!

Biophilia and Healing Environments

Biophilia and Healing Environments, a 10-part series in Metropolis. Available together as a booklet both on paper, and online, published by Terrapin Bright Green LLC, New York.

Anbefalt lesning for alle som bryr seg om våre byer og tettsteder. Av min gode venn og støttespiller Nikos A. Salingaros.

Our biology should dictate the design of the physical settings we inhabit. As human beings, we need to connect with living structures in our environment. Designers thus face the task of better incorporating healing strategies into their work, using factors that contribute to the biophilic effect. 17th, 18th, 19th, and some 20th century architecture show the healing traits of biophilia. After that, architects ignored complex human responses to the built environment in their enthusiasm for the supposed mechanical efficiencies of the industrial approach to placemaking. Design that uses biophilia considers the inclusive, “bottom-up” processes needed to sustain our health. When ornament is coherent with the rest of a structure, it helps connect people to their environment, and creates a positive, healing atmosphere. Biophilia shows how our evolutionary heritage makes us experience buildings viscerally, and not as intellectualized abstractions. This thinking juxtaposes the focus on innovative form for its own sake with biophilic design.

A clever video explaining Salingaros' message to us.


Schizofreni er mer utbredt blant folk som har vokst opp uten grønne omgivelser
Vi kan se at de som har minst adgang til grønne arealer innen et område på 210 x 210 meter fra der de bor – altså ganske tett på – har størst risiko for schizofreni, sier Kristine Engemann, postdoktor ved Institut for Bioscience.
I rotete hager trives dyrene best
Vi burde legge mer til rette for dyrene i byene våre, mener forskere. De gir råd om hvordan vi kan ta vare på rev, piggsvin, humler og flaggermus som lever side om side med oss.

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