de (arkitektene) vil gjerne ha flate tak og lite takutstikk...Dessverre er det slik! Dette er svært uheldig og gir en psykologisk skadelig effekt i vårt kalde og værharde klima.
- The Deep Truth of a Sheltering Roof
Det er vel kun arkitekter som kommer til Lærdal for å "beundre" besøkssenteret. Borgund stavkirke derimot er en perle, kanskje vår største!
Trefasader i modernistiske bygninger er en form for forkledning av det manglende skaleringshierarkiet man finner i moderne arkitektur.
Trefasader i modernistiske bygninger er en form for forkledning av det manglende skaleringshierarkiet man finner i moderne arkitektur.
Architecture connects to the human consciousness via the smallest details, whether those buildings are in a traditional, or a Modernist style. The psychological need for detail at the smallest perceivable scale is illustrated by the widespread use of natural surfaces such as polished wood and stone, whenever it is economically feasible. Such surfaces provide an emotional connection to details well below 1 mm in size. The eye actually perceives the natural structures that characterize real wood or marble, even though they are at the limit of visual perception. One is not easily fooled by Formica even at a distance.
It is possible to highlight the connection between an observer and the microscopic structure of materials, which is obtained via the scaling hierarchy. From the human scale on down, there exists an infinite hierarchy of decreasing scales connecting us to the basic components of matter. This downward scaling links man to the microcosm, and is just as important as the more obvious connection to the larger scales. We establish a strong connection to materials that have a clear hierarchical microstructure, but not to featureless materials that are either amorphous, transparent, or highly reflective.
Materials lacking in natural qualities often result in unresponsive surfaces. That is in part due to the ways they are employed. Modern materials, which as a rule have no ordered microstructure, can establish an emotional connection only through the scaling hierarchy. One needs to differentiate surfaces and to articulate subdivisions much more than with natural materials. That might involve combining matte with shiny materials, and re-introducing detail and color. We do not advocate copying natural materials, but rather finding expressive means to utilize each material’s own intrinsic capabilities. – Nikos A. Salingaros
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For Borgund stavkirke har man et helhetlig skaleringshierarki, som går hele vegen fra kirka som helhet inn i selve treverkets mikrostruktur. Christopher Alexander har Borgund stavkirke som en av sine store favoritter. Foto: Simo Räsänen |
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