Friday, June 5, 2015

Fantasi og virkelighet


Største trusselen mot olje industrien er LENR (fusjons energi) som har stor sjanse for å komme på markedet innen få år(mange hater muligheten for LENR energi).
  • Tenk deg et fly som ikke trenger å fylle drivstoff på et år.
  • Eller en bil som aldri trengs å fylles energi på.
  • En båt som kan gå i flere år uten å fylle energi på.
  • Et hus som har varme og lys, uten å tenke på strøm regningen.
Kommer dette på markedet,så er klima problemene løst :)) 
Vi har mange smarte folk i denne verden,som hver dag kjemper for å gjøre morgendagen bedre. - Motdebattant til Eivind Berge


Three recent news items remind us that energy transitions take time, a lot of time--far too much time to be shrunk down into a television special, a few talking points, or the next big energy idea.

For example, the complex management task of putting together the international fusion research project called the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) has resulted in estimated final costs that have tripled since the 2006 launch. Fusion could theoretically offer clean and abundant energy almost indefinitely because it uses ubiquitous hydrogen* as fuel and creates helium in the process. (Water you'll recall is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom and is therefore the most abundant source of hydrogen.)

Despite nine years of effort, ITER has yet to carry out a single experiment; and, the project is not expected to do so for another four years. The idea for such an international project was hatched in 1985 during a summit between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader of what was then still called the Soviet Union. Thirty years later fusion is still receding into the horizon of our energy future.

While there are certainly issues that are managerial rather than merely technical, the technical challenges remain enormous. After decades of experimentation, no laboratory has ever produced more energy from a fusion reaction than it took to create it. One of the most promising tests was performed last year at the National Ignition Facility of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. This test produced about 17 kilojoules which was more energy than was used to create the fuel. Problem is, the lasers that initiated the fusion consumed about 2 megajoules or 118 times the amount of energy created by the test.

Keep in mind that this test is still considered one of the most promising. That tells you how far away we are from nuclear fusion as a method for producing electricity. - Kurt Cobb

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