Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How a once nutritious grain was transformed into something unhealthy to eat: the story of refined white rice

The time we spend with organic rice farmers in the Philippines leads us to think much more about what we eat. It turns out that about half of the food we humans consume comes from just three main grains: wheat, corn, and rice. While we get half of our calories from these cereals, we get considerably less than half of our nutrients.

But the story of the modern grain, we discover, is even more insidious than just this. And so in this entry, we share the story of how a once nutritious grain was transformed into something unhealthy to eat. Our tale includes corporations, technological “modernization,” global trade, and culture.

We focus on rice in this current entry (leaving corn and wheat to future travels).
Read the whole article here.

Industrialized rice as the unhealthy component

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