Saturday, December 4, 2021

Menneskeheten kollapser nå innover i seg selv

"I think you're really are on the money here, Dr. Living in a major metropolitan area for past several years, I've personally witnessed the mental decline in all of my close friend groups and by acquaintance groups, and professional colleague groups. People seem to be eroding from the inside out. Everyone is hyper vigilant to any perceived insult or slight. People must be perfect at all times, leaving no room for mistakes. Realty is becoming personalized, almost as if everyone is retreating into a narcissistic movie that's playing in their head 24/7. Forget about institutions and power structures collapsing as in previous epochs; this time its the individual that's collapsing in on him/herself. Stellar work as always!" - DC

"But you're describing exactly what's happening here, except that I live on the far countryside of Norway. It was in 2017 I started noticing something is wrong, and since then it has accelerated!" - PermaLiv

Dette er så bra, Richard Grannon i aldeles toppform, hvor han redegjør for hvorfor vi har fått et narsissistisk samfunn, samt hva man kan gjøre, nemlig fortvile. For alt man kan er å fortvile og å tåre-fotografere, fotografere de siste rester av våre forfedres tro, landskap og historie, før ALT slukes av narsissisme-epidemien, som stiller korona-pandemien i skyggen!

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