Thursday, May 24, 2018

Western Civilization Peaked Between 1815 and 1914

Kutamun, good. Yes, as I see it, western civilization peaked between 1815 and 1914; the fact that we have more shiny toys than they did doesn't outweigh the vast number of ways in which the cultures of that time were stronger and more viable than ours. The implosion of Europe in the 1914-1954 crisis left Russia and the United States more or less in charge of the smoking ruins; now that the era of US dominance is ending, we should see another steep jog downwards. - J.M.G

Amen! For grenda mi i Øverskreien på Toten nådde den vestlige sivilisasjon sitt absolutte høydepunkt litt seinere, i årene 1870-1940.

Nå er lykkens tid forbi, og har snart rustnet vekk. Aller best illustrert med denne rustne hesteskoen i entreen på Holmstadengen.

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