Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Kan husmannstroen og engene igjen blomstre?


That causes problems for people who run things today. Their ideal of reason and principle of legitimacy means they want to handle everything through supposedly rational, neutral, and transparent institutions like global markets and expert bureaucracies. But personal loyalties, ultimate commitments, and ideas about how best to live can’t be sold, traded, bureaucratized, or turned over to experts. So from the standpoint of liberal institutions they are unmanageable and incomprehensible. They mess things up.

The result is that our rulers refuse to deal with them on their own terms but insist on treating them as private hobbies or consumption choices that shouldn’t be allowed to affect anything. That’s a big reason liberal institutions try to suppress, disrupt, and trivialize arrangements based on such concerns: they want to suppress values and ways of doing things that complicate or compete with their own way of operating. That’s the reason liberalism was backed by the bourgeoisie during the French Revolution and is now backed by bureaucrats, billionaires, and all significant centers of power.

As an example, if you want women to be totally available for use by employers, and you want purchased goods and services—like daycare and fast food—to replace home production, and you want government policy rather than domestic, cultural, or religious influences to determine how children grow up, you won’t be favorable to family and community life. One way of suppressing them is to substitute social service agencies for family and community, disrupt informal traditional arrangements through mass immigration and comprehensive promotion of diversity, and encourage people—through the media, educational system, and culture industry—to concentrate on career, consumption, and other individual pursuits, and view nonliberal arrangements like religion and the family as irrational, oppressive, and morally problematic. - James Kalb

 - Why Liberal Governing Elites Seek to Neutralize Social Issues

Å lese Kalb er virkelig en åpenbaring av hvor riv ruskende galt vårt samfunn har blitt, vi har utviklet et reint liberalt tyranni, hvor intet annet enn konsum og karrière er tillatt. For egen del ble jeg nådeløst kastet ut av min bedrift av en konsumerist og en karrierist, og jeg forstår nå at dette var fordi jeg er tradisjonalist. Disse to så det som sin samfunnsplikt å fri samfunnet fra en slik destruktiv tradisjonalist, en som høyakter sitt fedrealter, elsker sin husmannstro, verdsetter nøysomhet og setter autonomi høyere enn komfort. Og ALLE var ivrige i å hjelpe dem i å gjennomføre denne viktige samfunnsoppgaven, revisorer, banksjefer, etc. Ja, tom. slekta var lettet for at denne livsfarlige tradisjonalisten var satt ut av spill, og ble rasende da han begynte å hevde tradisjonelle verdier, som lojalitet til vår eldgamle elveslekt, samt å spørre seg selv om hva apostelen i Holmstadengen ville tenk?

I kommunen er jeg helt klart Totens mest fryktede person, som husmannstroende tradisjonalist, da de ser meg som en direkte trussel mot deres teknokratiske overherredømme. Ja, du verden hvor sjefsingeniøren for byggesaker moret seg over å plage meg med skjemaene sine, for å seigpine meg med å finne på alle mulige kovertnarsissistiske sjakktrekk for å sette meg ut av sjakk. Til slutt snublet han heldigvis i egne bein og jeg fikk skjermingshaugen min, v/a-anleggets eneste suksess. Men jeg har nå lært, og forstår at jeg er like uønsket i kommunen som, ja legg inn hvem du vil hvor du vil. Men de ser enhver form for tradisjonalisme som en trussel, enkelt og greit. Og vi tradisjonalister er for dem verre enn Djevelen selv.

Hva jeg videre forstår er at som tradisjonalist er det simpelthen umulig å leve i enga mi omgitt av modernitet, da dette er motkultur. Derfor er det meg eller motkulturen, da jeg og moderniteten ikke kan forenes, på samme vis som husmannstroen og det liberale tyranniet ikke kan sameksistere. Man må derfor ta et valg. Ønsker Mjøslandets barn engene sine? Sine høylys? Sitt kulturlandskap? Kulturelva si? Husmannstroen? Eller foretrekker de kun modernitet og komfort uten røtter og tilhørighet?

That last proviso is a big one, since coherence, efficiency, and stability end up meaning that a small class has to run everything, very large differences in wealth and power are permissible, and the only goals people are allowed to pursue are career, consumer goods, progressive social change, and private indulgences that don’t much affect other people. Unless people are controlled and neutered, human contrariness is going to muck up equal freedom. So it turns out that freedom and equality as standards that trump everything require totalitarian rule by a small class in accordance with a very narrow view of the kind of life people ought to live. - James Kalb

The project of creating a society in which arrangements like family, religion, and ethnic ties and culture don’t matter is based on the idea that those things have no legitimate or rational function. Swede or Somali, Christian, Muslim, or Jew, man, woman, or other, however we identify, whatever our preferred pronouns or domestic arrangements, we are all equally consumers, employees, and functionaries in a global society that recognizes only markets and neutral expert bureaucracies as authoritative institutions. That’s where the serious business of life goes on, and everything else should be recognized as freely chosen hobbies, indulgences, fantasies, or personal consumption choices. - James Kalb

So what does the history of attempts to deal with the trends that have put us where we are tell us about all this? Does it show a way out, or does it mostly suggest, through their failure, that barring unforeseeable developments, like a widespread religious reawakening leading to transformation of the principles on which public life are carried on, we will have to wait for the self-demolition of the current system before a new and better world can arise from the ruins? - James Kalb

James Kalb gir oss to valg, enten så henter vi tilbake engene og husmannstroen, ellers så går vi til grunne. Hvis vi da ikke allerede har gjort det?

Kan husmannstroen og engene igjen bryte fram og blomstre, etter det liberale tyranniets dødbringende vinter?


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