Tippoldemor på 90 år snakker med sitt barnebarn og sine oldebarn på den andre siden av kloden. Great-grandmother speaks with her great grandchildren on the other side of the world. |
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Vil vi treffes før jeg/hun dør? Will we meet before I/she dies? |
According to Dan Ariely, an expert on human motivation and behaviour, rationalisation makes it very easy to be dishonest without feeling like you’re doing anything terrible. Moreover, good people doing good work who cheat a little bit do more harm than big cheaters. But, it turns out, reminders about moral codes, even when they’re not your own, result in less cheating, as does the chance to open a new page, such as through confessing or asking forgiveness.
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Det var en gang man kunne å lage telefoner! Dette enestående eksemplaret er å finne utenfor Storkyrkan i Gamla stan, Stockholm. Wikimedia. |
The trouble is that the “nice” cars need computers that need wars in Congo and millions of deaths to make. And “nice homes” mean cutting down half the Amazon rainforest for lumber. The latter require more energy to heat or cool.
They become the model of status-by-extravagance, and millions throughout the world will kill and steal to acquire those symbols of non-resilience status and low-grade aesthetics…false aesthetics ).
Not the best way to get people adapting to a lifestyle that would have a better (if not good) chance for survival. - Artleads
"They become the model of status-by-extravagance, and millions throughout the world will kill and steal to acquire those symbols of non-resilience status and low-grade aesthetics…false aesthetics." Well said! Good to know I have some soulmates out there. The image is from a sick Norwegian suburban so called "home". Suburbanites all over the world are insane! I hate them and they hate me! Please join me in the battle to fight down ignorant, intolerant and vulgar suburbanites! Let's build a world of pocket neighborhoods! Better Together: Small House Living Thrives in a Community. |
The grid that we depend on for our survival is not guaranteed to work indefinitely, the sheer scope of our dependence on technology to sustain our current world is as awe inspiring as it is frightening. I hope this stimulates some thought on just how frail the global grid really is and why preparation is crucial, please share.
The Sovereign Wealth fund consists of things like stocks and bonds. Both of these can and will drop in value greatly. They could even hit value of zero. At some point, Norway will have to continue to operate on its own resources. It was a very poor country, prior to the discovery of oil. It can perhaps keep hydroelectric operating for a while, but workers expect to be paid, so there need to be banks. Also, spare parts will be needed. It will need sources of food. Fish has been traditional; also potatoes and rye crackers. Perhaps some sheep. There are old ways of growing these things–it will not be easy to transition to old ways though. - Gail TverbergAs Gail Tverberg is the only person on Earth capable of combining economy with the laws of physics, we better take her very seriously. The best thing you can do as an individual is to collapse as soon as possible. When the panic sets in it's too late. I therefore recommend to read or re-read the grand archdruid's famous essay during holiday seasons!
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Good bye welfare state. Good bye prosperity. Good bye oil industry. |
We cannot expect the cost of electricity production to be more than the current wholesale selling price of electricity. Thus, it needs to be four cents per kWh or less. Ideally, the price of electricity should be falling, as in Slide 6.Oil price is currently $36.10. This mean Norway earns NOTHING on its oil production. The only hope we have left to keep our famous welfare state is to protect our low electricity prices from renewables, of which 97% is from hydro. For the moment the price for industry is about two cents per KWh, or about the half of what Tverberg recommends.
Another consideration is that we need to be able to operate our current vehicles using a liquid fuel, made with electricity, because of the time and materials involved in switching over to electric vehicles. This requirement likely reduces the maximum cost of electricity even below four cents per kWh. - Gail Tverberg
Industry goes where industrial energy prices are cheapest. I know that Norway has been charging residential users high prices–perhaps because people have such high salaries in Norway. But if they can charge industrial users less than two cents per kWh, then that becomes the “price to beat.” No industry is going to move to a country with 20 cent per hour electricity, if electricity is available for less than 2 cents an hour elsewhere. - Gail Tverberg
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Et bymiljø uten butikken på hjørnet er dødsdømt og kan aldri utvikles til et fullforløst nabolag. Dette fordi hjørnebutikken er hjørnesteinen i et nabolag! Christopher Alexander skriver i mønster "89 Corner Grocery": "It has lately been assumed that people no longer want to walk to local stores. This assumption is mistaken. Indeed, we believe that people are not only willingto walk to their local corner groceries, but that the corner grocery plays an essential role in any healthy neighborhood: partly because it is just more convenient for individuals; partly because it helps to integrate the neighborhood as a whole. Strong support for this notion comes from a study by Arthur D. Little, Inc., which found that neighborhood stores are one of the two most important elements in people's perception of an area as a neighborhood(Community Renewal Program,New York: Praeger Press, 1966). Apparently this is because local stores are an important destination for neighborhood walks. People go to them when they feel like a walk as well as when they need a carton of milk. In this way, as a generator of walks, they draw a residential area together and help to give it the quality of a neighborhood. Similar evidence comes from a report by the management of one of San Francisco's housing projects for the elderly. One of the main reasons why people resisted moving into some of the city's new housing projects, according to the rental manager, was that the projects were not located in "downtown locations, where . . . there is a store on every street corner." (San Francisco Chronicle,August 1971.)" Avbildet hjørnebutikk er fra Köpmantorget i Gamla stan. The depicted corner grocery is from Köpmantorget in Gamla stan, Stockholm. Wikimedia. |
Gamla stan i Stockholm har verdens beste grendemiljø! Selv vokste jeg opp etter Kronborgsetergrenda, som blomstret opp på slutten av 1800-tallet. Nå er den avblomstret. Hvilken lykke er det ikke da å komme til Gamla stan, hvor det gamle grendemiljøet eksisterer i beste velgående. Her har vi Ferkens Gränd, som du kan lese om i svenske Wikipedia. "Grändens namn kommer av tyskans ferk eller fark som betyder "gris". Förmodligen hade en källarrestaurang i gränden, en stor gris på sin gatuskylt." Read about Ferkens Gränd in English Wikipedia. Wikimedia. |
Storesøster i Gamla stan. Kanskje var det oppholdet her i høst som vekket regneinnstinktet hennes? I følge Nikos A. Salingaros gir biofile miljøer en oppblomstring av intelligensen! |
Ei kvinne med svart skjerf går sørover på Österlånggatan en kald oktoberdag. A woman with a black scarf is walking southward on the street of Österlånggatan a cold October day. Wikimedia. |
Det er mykje alvorleg at til dømes denne solide russiske dokumentasjonen blir systematisk blokkert av media som folk flest hentar informasjon frå. Og det einaste folk flest dermed sit att med av informasjon er at «denne fæle Putin nok ein gong har fare med løgn». PR eller propaganda kalte George Orwell denne formen for ‘journalisme’, eller for å vera eksakt så skreiv han: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.” - Egil LejonTakk, takk, takk! Ja, media stort sett driver vel PR for sine eiere. Jeg har inntrykk av at det eneste som forkludrer julebordsstemningen i disse dager er angsten for Putin. Snakket med et lesbisk par i helga, og tom. de hadde tydelig angst for Putin. I sommer snakket jeg med en tidligere fallskjermjeger fra Trysil, og han var livredd Putin. Prøver jeg å få inn et stikk om at det er NATO og de korporative landgrabberne som er problemet i Ukraina, preller det av som vann på silikon. Putinangsten er dypt inkarnert nå i alle lag av det norske folk!
Var det ikke for Putin ville ALT vært perfekt! |
The Wasa Museum is the most visited tourist attraction of Stockholm. It is of course an ugly modernist building, but it has a fascinating cascade of roofs! "Few buildings will be structurally and socially intact, unless the floors step down toward the ends of wings, and unless the roof, accordingly, forms a cascade." - Christopher Alexander Wikimedia. |
Mjau borte.Dette skjedde hos Josefine lørdag 12. desember 2015. De har en svart katt, må spørre om navnet. Men lillesøster var svært begeistret for denne, og lette etter den hele tida. Ettersom det var en gretten gammel hannkatt, foretrakk han å gjemme seg bort.
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Bildet er av Navianas katt Link. Hun er et herlig kattemenneske, og et stort forbilde for min yngste datter (fra min side). Kanskje tar vi en dag turen og besøker henne, slik at lillesøster kan preges av likesinnede og lenkes til Link? Foto: Naviana |
Many thanks for your kind words.
I am afraid our problem is a predicament. The world is behaving in the way it was intended to behave, through natural selection. The combination of energy supplies and intelligence allows human population to grow, in a way similar to the way cancer grows.
We can’t know for certain how this turns out. It could become an extinction event. Or it could be an event that is foretold by world religions (and perhaps still will be an extinction event, from the perspective of humans on earth). Or perhaps humans will get a temporary reprieve, and at least some will be able to continue, at least for a while.
I had hoped some religious leaders might have something to say, but I have not run across any with anything to say yet. An awfully lot of people who have to say things about, say, preventing climate change seem to be interested in solutions that might make themselves rich. We don’t have an economy that can “shrink back” in any meaningful way, without collapsing. This is a real problem. - Gail Tverberg
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“”Slave equivalent” (still fictive!) that correspond to the French energy consumption in 2011, with the above described assumptions. Most Europeans are in the same rang, and thus have the equivalent of 400 to 500 slaves 24 hours a day! (without the imports, that represent an additional 100 in France).” How much of a slave master am I? |
Like any ecosystem, the human microbiome requires diversity to thrive. However, widespread antibiotic treatments have killed off as many as half the important bacteria in our guts. In this animated short, Martin Blaser, director of the NYU Human Microbiome Program, explains why focusing on bacterial diversity is a health imperative.
Reverse Engineer says:Who want to volunteer for saving the Earth?
December 11, 2015 at 1:06 am
“Fast Eddy says:
December 9, 2015 at 1:23 pm
There are no solutions therefore Carter is irrelevant.”
Nonsense. There are solutions, just they aren’t very palatable to most people because they involve a lot of DEAD PEOPLE.
Knock down the Global Population of Homo Sap to say 1 Million Human Souls and Mother Earth will heal herself in no time.
Pål Steigan skriver:
Det begynner å demre? Prosentvis vekst er helt greit å takle over noen få tiår, men over noen generasjoner blir den en umulighet. Astrofysikeren og matematikeren Tom Murphy har regnet ut at dersom vi på jorda skulle ha en vekst i energiforbruket på 2,3% i året i fjorten hundre år, ville vi måtte produsere mer energi enn sola, og jordoverflaten måtte ha en overflatetemperatur som er høyere enn overflatetemperaturen på sola.
Einstein skal ha sagt at eksponentiell vekst er en av de største kreftene i universet. Han skulle være rett mann til å uttale seg om kreftene i universet. Eksponentiell vekst betyr nettopp at du ha en prosentvis vekst på toppen av den prosentvise veksten du alt har hatt. Da får du til slutt en kurve som går loddrett til værs.
Altså må den eksponentielle veksten ta slutt. Dette er ikke et politisk spørsmål. Det er rein fysikk og matematikk. Jorda er et endelig system som har sine helt klare grenser. Eksponentiell vekst kan ikke pågå lenge før de fysiske grensene setter en stopp for all videre vekst. På et eller annet tidspunkt må det altså flate ut.http://steigan.no/2012/04/12/om-dommedagsprofeter-og-den-lille-gangetabellen/
Leste også en interessant artikkel i dag om hvorfor neandertalerne døde ut, og en hypotese er at de ble for store og trengte for mye energi ifht. den nye byttedyrsituasjonen som oppsto med klimaendringene:
Vi pinglete homo sapiens kunne derimot klare oss med små byttedyr, fordi vi trenger mindre energi.
Slik kan man si at vi har utviklet en neandertaler-økonomi som trenger altfor mye energi til å overleve i en endelig verden.
Hva vi trenger er nye "pingle"-økonomier som kan overleve med et minimum av energi- og ressursbruk.
Denne brua i Norra Bankogränd kalles Gamla stans svar på Sukkenes bro. Den ble opprinnelig nyttet til å frakte sedler mellom bankens kontor og seddelmagasinet. About the bridge in English. |
When I visited Norway, I could see how the carrying capacity might be very low. My father wrote a paper when he was in college, investigating why my grandfather had left Norway. The family owned a very small plot (7 acres, IIRC), high in the mountains near Voss. My grandfather was the oldest son, and thus would have inherited the farm. But the historical production of the farm was so low, that it was heavily encumbered with debt. My Grandfather could see no point in staying in Norway. My father found a story about the family supporting itself by making bootleg liquor, for some period, because of the low productivity of the farm.
The area now seems to be used for recreational hang-gliding.
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Wow, Tverberg er fra Voss! Vossinger, er dere klar over hvilket ikon dere har avlet fram? Gail Tverberg, aktuar og minst like klarttenkende som selveste Miss Marple. |
We need to have a feeling that someone is in charge. Thus, I agree with Voltaire: If god didn’t exist, he’d have to be invented.” We need a feeling that there is a purpose to life, and we need to get together with others who feel the same way. It is more or less irrelevant whether or not god really exists. - Gail TverbergBevisstheten har kun til hensikt å lure oss til å føle oss unike, og at vår sivilisasjon er unik. Dessverre har Tverberg rett, og vi brenner bokstavelig talt ut nå. Hadde folk klart å ta innover seg Tverbergs budskap ville de vendt seg til Terje Bongard for å redde oss, da han er den eneste som har motgiften til den gjeldsgiften som siver gjennom vårt blod.
Den alvorligste finanskrisa hittil var ikke i 2008, men i 2014, året da Gail Tverberg fastslo at menneskeheten har nådd «peak finance». Allikevel ble denne milepælen i vår historie forbigått med taushet, med unntak av et par oppslag på min egen lille blogg.
2014 var i mine øyne «det svarte året», da dette også var året da MEDOSS, som kunne ha gitt oss en økonomi som ikke avhenger av vekst, ble nedstemt av Norges forskningsråd: http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/terje-bongard-no-grant-for-medoss/2014/03/19
Samtidig var 2014 et gledens år, da min yngste datter ble født denne høsten. Symbolsk nok ble hun født rett inn i en sykdomsepidemi her på Gjøvik, og de første månedene av sitt liv måtte hun kjempe mot influensaer, forkjølelser og vannkopper på rekke og rad. Forhåpentligvis har dette herdet henne for møtet med den uunngåelige deflasjonskollapsen som venter henne.
Personlig stemte jeg MDG i år, men egentlig er jeg nokså frustrert over dem og alt dette Zero-veksttullet de driver med; «grønn vekst», fornybarsamfunnet etc. Grønnvasking og svada, som alt er avhengig av mer gjeld, som IKKE finnes, for å realiseres.
Derfor må vi få på plass et system hvor vi kan trives samtidig som vi hele tiden blir fattigere. Markedsøkonomien og pengene som «limet» i samfunnet har utspilt sin rolle. I en post-«peak finance»-verden trenger vi lommedemokratiet: http://www.kulturverk.com/2015/07/22/lommedemokratiet/
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Hvor er inngruppa? |
Den vakreste utsikten over Gamla stan i Stockholm får man fra Mariaberget på Södermalm. Anbefales! Wikimedia. |
Politikerne tror at løsningen på klimakrisen er å forsterke naturkrisen, ved å grave i filler naturen vår, for å plassere vindkraftverk på h...