Saturday, December 21, 2019

When the Holy Spirit Abandoned Us


Once the Holy Spirit lived in every man, woman and child along the Holy River from the Tjuvåsen Hills, but now, for many years, it has not found a single human being to take dwelling in, it has just drifted restless around among the trees and the abandoned farms. For me, I was sure the Holy Spirit had left us, as Heaven is gone a long time ago. We tried to knock, knock, knocking on Heavens door, but Heaven was not at home anymore.

The people who live here now, they're expected to have nice, little careers, and to be good consumers. If they do so, they are good citizens, and the State will reward them with lots of comfort and security. If you're not devoting your life to careerism and consumerism, you're not conform, and hence you cannot expect any comfort. Because the Norwegian State has, after it abandoned God and became god itself, ended up to be a huge, almighty covert narsissist. If you tell the world and yourself that the Norwegian state is the best state in the world, it will reward you well, but if you don't, poor you!

But the people the Holy Spirit loved, they had no idea about what a career was ment to be, they had nothing to consume, and they had never experienced the slightest bit of comfort. They were serfs and sons of serfs, living in the outskirts around the Totenåsen Hills, serving the big farmers in the lowlands.

One day, one of their own, a shoemaker and son of a serf himself, living far South in Norway, was filled with the Holy Spirit, which told him to walk northward. First he came to the southern parts of the Totenåsen Hills, and he saved all people living there, and there's still to be found a few people filled with the Holy Spirit. Later the Holy Spirit told him to walk further north, across the Totenåsen Hills, to see if there were any people there who wanted to be saved as well. And there were, and they gave him a small farm, because they wanted this holy man to stay with them, not to keep on walking. So from that time on, he only walked around the Totenåsen Hills, to make sure he had not lost any of the people he had saved, always returning to his farm. Thus he became the Apostel of the Totenåsen Hills.


As I told you, I was sure the Holy Spirit had left us, but to be absolutely sure, I decided to open up my mind, to let the Holy Spirit borrow my camera, an A7III, which I got my hands on about a year ago. It could just as well had been an AGIII as an A7III, and if so, I would have become Jokerman, with a smile on my face. But now I only have tears in my eyes, because for some reason this camera only shoot tears, and I can't stop crying, because my camera showed me that all we have left is broken beauty, or broken tears. And it can't be healed, because we have become heartless and faithless. Our faith is buried underneath the "stabbur" of my great-grandfather, who was the first man the Apostel of the Totenåsen Hills saved when he came here. This "stabbur" celebrates 100 years next year, but I'll be alone with this celebration, because I'm the only one left to feel sorrow for his buried fait.

Our heart, our red glowing beating heart, in the middle of our village in the middle of our most fertile lands, we tore out of our land, holding it up as an oblation to Mammon, our new God, like the Aztecs tore out the heart of their victims, holding it high in the air to praise their Sun God.


What I thought was that if the Holy Spirit should be anywhere to be found, it would be down by the Holy River, so I walked down there and whispered:

"If you are still here, you who once filled the heart of our forefathers, I'm here. I'm an descendant of the first man you filled with your Spirit along this river, soon 150 years ago. I don't know if you still rest here, as you have no soul to live in anymore. But if you do, I'll open up my mind for you, to let you borrow my camera, an A7III, to leave us with a few colors from the Holy River and the Holy Meadows, before you follow your apostel, who once brought you here, to Heaven, where you belong. Because I know, Heaven is gone".

And amazingly, the Holy Spirit had rested here in all these years, without finding a single soul to take dwelling in. These 25 images are a last gift from the Holy Spirit, which is now gone, to follow its apostel in Heaven.












Heaven is not at home anymore.












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