- First ever ERC Starting Grant at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance
Dr. Kostakis will use the €1.1 million ERC Starting Grant for a four-year research project titled “Cosmolocalism” that will advance understanding of the future of work in the age of automation and beyond.Vil legge til at PermaLiv er det første norske nettstedet som benyttet begrepet kosmolokalisme på norsk, og jeg ser fremdeles at jeg er den eneste som har omtalt fenomenet i Norge. Det er ubegripelig hvor bakstreversk dette landet har blitt, og det blir stadig klarere for meg at når det gjelder nytenkning ligger jeg milevis foran resten av nasjonen.
“We will create an interdisciplinary team consisted of three postdoctoral researchers and at least four PhD students. We will utilize our networks with global changemakers, from governments and top-universities such as Harvard, MIT, and ETH Zurich to prominent NGOs such as the Greenpeace or the P2P Foundation, to create awareness of new forms of production that may be more free, fair, and sustainable,” says Kostakis.
“Similarly how a free and open encyclopedia Wikipedia has displaced the Encyclopedia Britannica, the emergence of networked micro-factories are giving rise to new open-source forms of production in the realm of design and manufacturing, ” he says, adding that such spaces can either be makerspaces or other co-working spaces, equipped with local manufacturing technologies, such as 3D printing and CNC machines or traditional low-tech tools and crafts.
Uansett, merk deg begrepet kosmolokalisme, og legg deg gjerne bak øret at jeg med PermaLiv var først ute med å omtale begrepet i Norge. Dette er framtidas arbeidsliv!
Artikkelen nedenfor ble skrevet i 2017.
En svært bra artikkel om konsekvensene av kapitalismen og jaget etter profitt:
- Brenner tonnevis med usolgte klær
Selv ble jeg oppgitt etter en rusletur på totenjordene i høst, og all storpoteten som blir liggende igjen fordi den er utenom standard. Det lå igjen utrolige mengder dumpet potet på jordene, dette blir nesten som dumpingen av bifangst hos fiskerne.
- Rusletur ved Kraby på Toten
Ja, jeg fatter og begriper ikke hvorfor vi mennesker holder på med dette profittjaget? Selv når det gjelder bomiljøet vårt vraker vi en menneskeorientert design til fordel for en profittorientert. Ross Chapin har med sine lommetun gitt oss et innblikk i hvor fantastisk vi kunne hatt det hvis vi designet for vårt eget velbehag, og ikke for bunnlinja.
- Verandaen – limet i tunet
Alt er så trist, og det føles så meningsløst å være del av et samfunn hvor jakten på profitt trumfer enhver fornuft. Jeg ønsker ikke å være deltaker i dette samfunnet! Men har intet sted å flykte.
Profit can be achieved in following ways:
- The workers get paid less than what products are sold for.
- The products are sold for more than their value.
- The products are made as cheap and with as short life span as possible to increase the turnover.
- You use as little money as possible on working conditions, just enough to not adversely influence production.
- Raw materials and resources are sourced as cheaply as possible and in large enough quantities to make them cheap.
- You use as little money as possible to deal with and dispose of waste.
Svaret på disse utfordringene er kosmolokalisme (global deling i kunnskapsnettverk med lokal tilpasset produksjon). PermaLiv AS står i spissen for kosmolokalismen i Norge. Les følgende artikkel:
This idea comes partly from discourse on cosmopolitanism which asserts that each of us has equal moral standing, even as nations treat people differently. The dominant economic system treats physical resources as if they were infinite and then locks up intellectual resources as if they were finite. But the reality is quite the contrary. We live in a world where physical resources are limited, while non-material resources are digitally reproducible and therefore can be shared at a very low cost.
Moving electrons around the world has a smaller ecological footprint than moving coal, iron, plastic and other materials. At a local level, the challenge is to develop economic systems that can draw from local supply chains.
Imagine a water crisis in a city so severe that within a year the whole city may be out of water. A cosmolocal strategy would mean that globally distributed networks would be active in solving the issue. In one part of the world, a water filtration system is prototyped – the system itself is based on a freely available digital design that can be 3D printed.
This is not fiction. There is actually a network based in Cape Town, called STOP RESET GO, which wants to run a cosmolocalisation design event where people would intensively collaborate on solving such a problem.
The Cape Town STOP RESET GO teams draw upon this and begin to experiment with it with their lived challenges. To make the system work they need to make modifications, and they document this and make the next version of the design open. Now other locales around the world take this new design and apply it to their own challenges.
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En storpotet som av profitthensyn ble for stor til å spises. |
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