"Hybrismonster er en person som er ute av stand til å se seg selv utenfra, samt å se sine medmennesker innenfra."
Skal se på den! Håper du også fikk med deg Heinbergs og Kunstlers diskusjon om øko-modernitet mot slutten av samtalen? Øko-moderniteten rir MdG og bærekraftsdalen i Hurdal som en mare. Vi må finne tilbake til den opprinnelige, upolerte permakulturen, som Mollison og Holmgren introduserte på 70-tallet.
Ja, jeg vil arbeide videre for Bongards selveierdemokrati, som har mye til felles med Høyres, men er så meget bedre fordi det kan tøyle vår iboende sløsertrang, samt hindre mennesker med karakteravvik i å ødelegge sine omgivelser. Hybrismonstre*, psykopater og andre vil aldri bli sendt videre oppover i RID-hierarkiet. Har spurt Bongard om dette, og han er helt klar på at i passende store inngrupper vil disse menneskene bli kontrollert. I motsetning til i dagens system, hvor vi nærmest dyrker dem fram, til stor skade for deres omgivelser.
Godt å se Røgebergs innlegg tilbake på plass!
* En person som er ute av stand til å se seg selv utenfra, samt å se sine medmennesker innenfra (min definisjon av "hybrismonster").
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Foto: İsmail0747 |
Et hybrismonster er naturligvis spesialist på "machiavelliansk intelligens". Her er litt om temaet fra Wikipedia:
"In modern psychology, Machiavellianism is one of the dark triad personalities, characterized by a duplicitous interpersonal style, a cynical disregard for morality, and a focus on self-interest and personal gain.
A 1992 review described Machiavellian motivation as related to cold selfishness and pure instrumentality, and those high on the trait were assumed to pursue their motives (e.g. sex, achievement, sociality) in duplicitous ways. More recent research on the motivations of high Machs compared to low Machs found that they gave high priority to money, power, and competition and relatively low priority to community building, self-love, and family concerns. High Machs admitted to focusing on unmitigated achievement and winning at any cost.
Due to their skill at interpersonal manipulation, there has often been an assumption that high Machs possess superior intelligence, or ability to understand other people in social situations. However, research has firmly established that Machiavellianism is unrelated to IQ. Furthermore, studies on emotional intelligence have found that high Machiavellianism actually tends to be associated with low emotional intelligence as assessed by both performance and questionnaire measures. Both empathy and emotion recognition have been shown to have negative correlations with Machiavellianism. Additionally, research has shown that Machiavellianism is unrelated to a more advanced theory of mind, that is, the ability to anticipate what others are thinking in social situations. If high Machs actually are skilled at manipulating others this appears to be unrelated to any special cognitive abilities as such.
Machiavellianism is one of the three personality traits referred to as the dark triad, along with narcissism and psychopathy. Some psychologists consider Machiavellianism to be essentially a subclinical form of psychopathy,[12] although recent research suggests that while Machiavellianism and psychopathy overlap, they are distinct personality constructs.[2][13] Machiavellianism has been found to be negatively correlated with Agreeableness (r = -0.47) and Conscientiousness (r = -0.34), two dimensions of the Big Five personality model (NEO-PI-R).[13] However, Machiavellianism correlates more highly with the Honesty-humility dimension of the six-factor HEXACO model than with any of the Big Five dimensions.[2] Machiavellianism has also been located within the interpersonal circumplex, which consists of the two independent dimensions of agency and communion. Agency refers to motivation to succeed and to individuate the self, whereas communion refers to motivation to merge with others and to support group interests.
Machiavellianism lies in the quadrant of the circumplex defined by high agency and low communion.[2] Machiavellianism has been found to lie diagonally opposite from a circumplex construct called self-construal, a tendency to prefer communion over agency. This suggests that people high in Machiavellianism do not simply wish to achieve, they wish to do so at the expense of (or at least without regard to) others.
Machiavellianism in the workplace is the employment of cunning and duplicity in a business setting. It is an increasingly studied phenomenon. The root of the concept of Machiavellianism is the book The Prince by Machiavelli which lays out advice to rulers how to govern their subjects. Machiavellianism has been studied extensively over the past 40 years as a personality characteristic that shares features with manipulative leadership, and morally bankrupt tactics. It has in recent times been adapted and applied to the context of the workplace and organizations by many writers and academics. The Machiavellian typically only manipulates on occasions where it is necessary to achieve the required objectives.[14]
Oliver James identifies Machiavellianism as one of the dark triadic personality traits in the workplace, the others being narcissism and psychopathy.[15]
A new model of Machiavellianism based in organizational settings consists of three factors:[14]
- maintaining power
- harsh management tactics
- manipulative behaviors"
Bare synd at vi ikke fikk igang MEDOSS i 2014, da Bongards selveierdemokrati ville tatt knekken på disse karakteravvikerne en gang for alle. Til beste både for dem selv og ikke minst de rundt dem!
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