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Så langt har utbygginga av ny Rv. 4 gjennom Viggadalen på Hadeland kommet (2015). Fremskrittet skal fram, og for Fremskrittet ofrer man gjerne Norges beste matjord og flotteste kulturlandskap. "New map reveals shattering effect of roads on nature" -Wikimedia. |
Dette er et bilde jeg tok da jeg fremdeles var stolt lastebilsjåfør for fabrikken min. Før jeg begynte å kjøre lastebil og å fotografere, hadde jeg vært med å sende rundt 20.000 kubikk plank gjennom maskinene, hvorav mesteparten for egen maskin. Dessverre ble ikke denne innsatsen verdsatt.
Men til poenget, som er at det er først og fremst vegene som har suburbanisert landet vårt, med det resultat at all rural og urban kultur har forsvunnet, hvor husmannsplassen og grendekulturen min kun er en liten del av alt som forsvant ned i sluket med bilkulturen.
Derfor vil jeg gjerne anbefale John Jacobis nye essay om hva vi kan gjøre for å bli kvitt bilkulturen, hvilket vil si å bli kvitt bilvegene. Kjerreveger derimot, det kan vi aldri få for mye av!
- In the proper location, it is possible for a group of people, using only their hands, to fill a road with enough boulders and other debris to act as an effective barrier to most vehicles. While a vehicle with a winch, a bulldozer, or a crew of workers might be able to clear the road to permit passage, most casual ORVers will be stymied. If this kind of minor ecotage of roads occurred often enough and in enough locations, many marginal roads would be abandoned. This type of road trashing can be done casually by a group on a hike, taking care that they aren’t caught by ORVers while doing it and being sure that they aren’t trapping some poor old fogey in a jeep on a dead-end jeep trail. Although extremely effective, this form of monkeywrenching bears fewer dangers than other kinds.
- To effectively close roads, strike at numerous points along a single road, and at many roads within the road network surrounding a wild area. Maintain your campaign against the roads in the area — after they are repaired, strike again, and again, and again. Eventually it will become too costly for the Forest Service or whoever to continue repairing them and roads will begin to be abandoned.
- Keep in mind that as your campaign against roads becomes more effective and costly, your security precautions will need to become more stringent to avoid being caught in an increased law-enforcement campaign to protect the roads.
- Concern about the federal deficit, budget overruns, and deficit timber sales are conducive to citizen road closures. Forest Service and BLM budgets will be tighter in the future. A massive but dispersed campaign of nibbling away at the road infrastructure on the public lands will soon exhaust agency road repair and construction budgets.
- Many Forest Service roads have gates which allow the Freddies to close the roads at will for a variety of purposes (wildlife protection is one reason, but these gates may also be used to keep protesters out of a timber sale area). You can cause confusion by getting cheap padlocks at a city hardware store and closing and locking such gates yourself. A little Liquid Solder in the key-hole prevents the lock from being picked. Most FS gates have a casing around the lock to prevent them from being cut with bolt cutters. See the section on Jamming Locks in the chapter on Miscellaneous Deviltry for other ideas.
- Close a road near the beginning. This keeps vehicles out.
- One of the cleverest monkeywrenching escapades involved a controversial landing strip in the middle of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area in Idaho. In 1986, an unknown person dug 21 holes with a posthole digger in rows three-abreast along the strip. Salt was put into each. Elk and deer pawed up the holes to get the salt and made the dirt strip unusable for aircraft landing.
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