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Ingen husbankshus, ingen kraftledninger, ingen biler, ingen mobilmaster, ingen dekonstruktivisme. Fremdeles ligger fragmenter av det gamle Toten uforstyrret i kulturlandskapet, dette som innlandsfolket gjør alt i sin makt for å forstyrre. Finnes det en plass på Toten der jeg kan få trekke meg tilbake og uforstyrret få dokumentere de siste rester av det gamle Toten, før alt forstyrres? Kjenner du til et slikt sted, hvor jeg kan etablere meg med et lite galleri, vennligst ta kontakt med Mjøsregionens fotograf. Det går sakte framover med fotograferingen, jeg arbeider seint og lærer seint og forstår lite. Men i løpet av de neste 10-20 år er jeg sikker om at jeg kan bli en habil fotograf, hvoretter det venter 50 år hvor jeg kan boltre meg i fotografisk kunnskap og erfaring. Kanskje blir det utstilling neste år? Kanskje kan jeg begynne å selge prints? Kanskje kollapser alle mine drømmer? Uansett, mitt nye bekjentskap, Thomas Heaton fra Nord-Øst England, er til stor inspirasjon! -Wikimedia. |
For those who may want to compare how to do a show the right way like Thomas and how to do it in a way that had ME saying I'd never do it again, here's my experience and the differences and outcome will all make sense. I've been a fairly successful visualist of the still and moving genre over the past 20 years or so but had never considered doing a show until I was talked into it by an online friend. I went through as Thomas did tons of images BUT, instead of choosing just a few, I went full bore and had something like 25 to 35. HUGE MISTAKE. By the time I had them all printed, FRAMED with gallery glass and so on, I had around 5 to 6 thousand dollars invested and it was a nightmare. I had no idea what I was doing but the other two photographers had these incredibly high price tags on their work and so I did that too. SECOND BIG MISTAKE. I'll spare you all the rest of this except to say I don't drink and opening night I was drinking like a rock star and it didn't help. Ended up not selling a single thing even though a lot of people seemed sincerely interested in my work and by the end of the show and into the end of the few weeks my work was on the walls, I was so depressed and so wishing I had never done it and that was about 3 years ago and I've not done anything since. Every one of those images finished and framed sit in my spare bedroom against the wall to this day as I type this from 3 years ago. So let this be a lesson to you, do what Thomas did, keep it simple and just choose a few images for people to enjoy without expecting anyone to buy. For me I mistakenly measured my success by the fact no one bought anything instead of the time spent showing the work and getting feedback which I could have counted as a success. That's it. The end... - Michael Zukerman
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