Sunday, August 4, 2019

Venice - the Future of Cities

Resilience comes from linked processes and structures working on many different scales. Solutions are found in self-built spontaneous settlements and in traditional cities. Historic evolution took place towards healthier environments through biophilia and design patterns, but city form as decided by design ideology linked to power cannot re-configure into a new system. By worshipping “images of the future,” society doesn’t re-use older successful solutions, and this limitation prevents resilient systems from forming. - Nikos A. Salingaros
- The Future of Cities


Venice is the future of cities, towns and villages. How I want to go back, to document our future. Most of all I wish I could experience the same atmosphere at Skreia, the urban village of my forefathers, as in Venice. Why do we need to spend a lot of money and time to go to Venice, when her beauty should be found everywhere?






Framtidens arkitekter tar avstamp i det förflutna. (En absolutt herlig artikkel som viser hvor helkjørt arkitekturutdanningen er, beskrevet av to arkitekturstudenter.)

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