Thursday, January 31, 2019


Som PermaLivs lesere vet bodde vi i et lommenabolag i Gjøvik inntil nylig, og jeg ønsket å spre ideen om lommetunet herfra, til velsignelse for byen og nasjonen. Dessverre havnet vi i et lommehull sammen med personer som definitivt ikke delte visjonene om gode lommetun, og de mente vi fortjente å råtne vekk i lommehullet vårt, fordi vi kunne antyde noe så skrekkelig som at vi levde i et tunfellesskap. Dessverre klarte de med dette også å splitte Lille M og Store T, to fantastiske empatiske jenter, som var som søstre for hverandre, og som kunne ha blitt et radarpar fikk de vokse opp sammen, til stor velsignelse for alle. Så slik er velferdsnasjonen Norge, ondskapen seirer!

Men vi kan ikke gi opp, boligbyggingens viktigste mål kan ikke være å generere profitt, men å skape lykke og solide sosiale relasjoner, hvor mennesker knyttes sammen i livslange bånd, til stedet og hverandre. Lommetunet er for enhver skala, fra store natursamfunn på landsbygda, til små bakgårder i byen.

Følgende budskap fra Ross Chapin er utrolig viktig:

"Keep in mind, however, the gist of the message of pocket neighborhoods is SCALE OF SOCIABILITY — when humans gather in small groups, conversation is spontaneous. This is at the root of pocket neighborhoods — small groups of households gathered together. This can be tents in a homeless camp, trailers in a refugee camp, or tiny homes in a cluster. Cost is not a factor. Just geometry."

Se fb-tråden det er del av her. Poster to utdrag nedenfor:
Amen!!! for all you said. Isolation, alienation, and often desperation are endemic to our society, especially among seniors and not so young singles (and of course the homeless, but that is a whole other huge and complicated issue). Unfortunately, change is slow to come, and newer ideas for creating smaller communities within the sprawl are hindered and denied by the powers in control. I belong to a group dreaming and exploring for space for tiny homes within the city... almost impossible to find! I love your homes, but they are just too expensive, and or too large for many of us. A tiny home would be a feasible alternative, but since cities wouldn't be able to garner a property tax, they oppose them. Maybe, just maybe, you could envision such a community as well, and help those of us who do not need much space and want to live "small". One could use small unused parcels within cities to build these tiny communities, close to public transportation, bike lanes, etc. Oh well, nothing wrong about hoping right? Have a lovely day and thanks for your work. ciao. - Dalila Hardwick
Dalila Hardwick, you’re not alone in feeling and facing these challenges. Bravo for envisioning a community of tiny homes! Yes, there are systemic blockages, but know there are also people at every level who want to find ways to make this happen. Stay with it!

While many of the plans we offer on GoodFit are small and simple, they may still be out of the price range for some people. Keep in mind, however, the gist of the message of pocket neighborhoods is SCALE OF SOCIABILITY — when humans gather in small groups, conversation is spontaneous. This is at the root of pocket neighborhoods — small groups of households gathered together. This can be tents in a homeless camp, trailers in a refugee camp, or tiny homes in a cluster. Cost is not a factor. Just geometry. - Ross Chapin

An evening view at Salish Pond Cottages. More here.

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