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Lommedemokratiet er ikke abstrakt, men konkret, det eneste konkrete vi har! -Wikimedia. |
Kommunismen, ikke som statlig prosjekt, men som produsentenes kontroll over produksjonen. - Pål Steigan
Ja, det er betryggende. Vi skal ikke ha noen stat, da staten ikke kan være annet enn en despotisk tyrann som tjener egne interesser. Men for å avvikle staten finnes kun en løsning, og det er innføringen av lommedemokratiet, da det kun er en slik løsning som er på parti med menneskets humanøkologi. Innenfor lommedemokratiet finnes selvsagt et vell av muligheter for hvordan å organisere våre liv videre, som en allmenning, hvor teknokratene har mistet all makt over oss.
Ps! Jeg foretrekker uansett å kalle meg lommedemokrat, da dette er et nytt og friskt begrep uten en belastet fortid.
- PermaLiv
That’s what’s happened in our public life. Everybody who matters is a secularist today, and the situation has far-reaching implications. One is that educated and well-placed people now believe that the institutions on which social order is based should be technically expert, economically rational, morally nonjudgmental, and universal in their reach. So the world should be ordered comprehensively by global markets and expert regulatory bureaucracies, together with subsidiary institutions such as universities, think tanks, media organizations, and various NGOs that serve or try to influence government and business. That, it is thought, is the uniquely rational way of organizing society, and whatever threatens it, or attempts to limit it or introduce other authorities, is irrational, disruptive, and a threat to humanity. - James KalbGjentar: “One is that educated and well-placed people now believe that the institutions on which social order is based should be technically expert, economically rational, morally nonjudgmental, and universal in their reach.”
Det er nok mange innen Rødt som mener det samme. Disse er IKKE allmenningere!
For that reason it has no place for the attachments that have always formed human life and to which we have always given our deepest loyalties: family, religion, specific community, particular people and culture, ultimate truth. Such things become private, sentimental matters with no special definition and therefore no serious public function. They are not permitted to make a difference, because when they do the kind of rational, transparent society at which liberal modernity aims becomes impossible. So to the extent they retain a connection to aspects of how people live, it’s a problem to be dealt with under the rubrics of equality, tolerance, and inclusion. - James KalbDerfor er jeg tradisjonalist!
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