Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Understanding First

Craig Freshley har for meg, etter at Terje Bongard trakk seg vekk, nærmest blitt et slags surrogat for Terje Bongard. Igjen slår han til med en innertier av et visdomsord. Det er kun kunnskap som kan få oss til å forstå, for slik å treffe gode avgjørelser, som ikke er basert på fordommer, antakelser og overtro.

Om Bongard ikke orker å diskutere mer, skulle jeg svært gjerne sett ham forfatte korte visdomsord, fundamentert i atferdsøkologien. Føler at det er for tragisk at mannens ufattelige kunnskap og formidlingsevner ikke kommer oss til gode.

Vær så snill Terje, gi oss Bongards visdomsord!

Understanding first

In principle, understanding is that upon which we stand. It is the basis for all our beliefs and actions, like a foundation.

All that we do and say is based upon our understanding of the situation. We do best to make sure we fully understand before judging and before acting.

Practical Tip: Be aware about crossing the line between understanding the situation and solving the problem. In a conversation, ask questions before offering advice. In a meeting, be sure you fully understand the proposal before giving your opinions about it.

Ninety percent of all disagreements are the result of misunderstanding. Disagreements often disappear when we take the time to understand where each other are coming from, how things look from other points of view.

Misunderstandings, presumptions, and premature judgments almost always result in bad decisions. Shared understanding is the basis for creative, peaceful, enduring decisions.

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