Godt poeng med at landskapet enklere lar seg tilbakeføre i Danmark og Tyskland, hvor møllene gjerne står på sandgrunn, og ikke på berg, som her. En annen filosof snakket i sin tid om at man ikke bør bygge sitt hus på sandgrunn, men når det gjelder disse vindkraftverkene, bør man nok det.
Kommentaren din fikk meg til å reposte et gammelt utdrag av Christopher Alexander, arkitekt-filosofen som jeg forguder. Her et lite utdrag av et utdrag:
When an ecologist becomes too concerned with one aspect of sustainability (the importance of wind energy, as in this case), and plants 300 foot high windmills on an ocean front, it destroys the landscape. This is no longer a wholeness-extending transformation, but rather a well-meaning but ill-judged algorithmic computation of some inappropriate kind about cost benefit. In this case, the wholeness and the structure of the place have been severely damaged. Sometimes, the place, its landscape and its internal adaptations – often the result of centuries of patient work – are irredeemably destroyed.- Trønderenergi leier inn politi for omstridt vindkraftutbygging på Frøya
In the coastal landscape where the Danish turbines have been placed, the structure that was there before (figure 7a) is flat like a disc, a great flat disc, the size of the bay, flatted at the edge where the waves meet the sand and the grassland just beyond it. This enormous gentle discus-shape, perhaps half a mile across, is suddenly violated by the two vertical structures, sprouting turbine blades dumped on it (figure 7b). The two massive vertical things have no relation to the structure of the subtle disc that lay in the land before. The slash of the new straight road is at odds with the curves of the land. And, in the foreground there are two teeny little sheds that look lost and forlorn, too. The building site is not even harmonious with itself. Altogether, the structure has been violated.
Compare what is happening in the hayrick example, and in the turbine example. In the case of the hayricks, the process of placing them has left the previously existing structure alone, indeed the process enhances it, strengthens it, increase its harmony. But in the case of the turbines, their shape and placement are at odds with the previously existing structure, they damage it, they destroy it. - Christopher Alexander
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Vindkraftverk gjør seg bedre på danske havsandbanker enn på vakre øyer etter spektakulære norskekysten. For disse vindturbinene er ikke spektakulære, de er stukturødeleggende, i rak motsetning til nasjonal-landskapet vårt! "Example: Giant Wind Turbines on the Danish Coast" -Flickr. |