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Teslas nye, fraktale soltak. |
Herlig soltak! Har gruet meg til alle fikk stygge, store, blanke solpaneler på taket, men dette er lovende. Bare synd at det sitter på en suburban bunker, som vi har mer enn nok av. Elektriske biler er dessuten bare en delløsning, hovedløsningen må være kompakte, gåvennlige byer, som Village Towns.Det er med tilfredshet jeg konstaterer at Tesla utvilsomt har lest min kommentar hos forskning.no fra 2013, og fulgt mine retningslinjer.
Les artikkelen jeg kommenterte til:
- En boligdrøm om null utslipp
Kommentaren nedenfor ble slettet da det ble innført nytt layout:
Det er to store problemer med å dekke et tak med solcellepaneler, det første ligger i strukturen til solcellepanelene, eller det at disse mangler struktur, på samme vis som glass eller speil:
"Large, plain objects or surfaces disturb the observer by presenting no information — the most disturbing being surfaces of glass or mirrors that prevent the eye from even focusing on them. We instantly look for reference points, either in a form’s interior, or at its edge. We need to comprehend a structure as quickly as possible, to make sure that it poses no threat to us. Large uniform regions with abrupt, ill-defined boundaries generate physiological distress as the instrument (namely, the eye/brain system) seeks visual information that isn’t there, thus frustrating our cognitive process." – The Sensory Necessity for Ornament, by Nikos A. SalingarosSkal solcellepaneler kunne gi den samme biofile innvirkningen på observatøren som naturmaterialer, f.eks. taktegl, må panelene gis en biofil struktur som skaper en forbindelse til menneskesinnets dype biofile røtter, slik disse ble utviklet i det afrikanske savannelandskapet:
"Architecture connects to the human consciousness via the smallest details, whether those buildings are in a traditional, or a Modernist style. The psychological need for detail at the smallest perceivable scale is illustrated by the widespread use of natural surfaces such as polished wood and stone, whenever it is economically feasible. Such surfaces provide an emotional connection to details well below 1 mm in size. The eye actually perceives the natural structures that characterize real wood or marble, even though they are at the limit of visual perception. One is not easily fooled by Formica even at a distance.Den optimale overflatestrukturen har en fraktal ladning på D=1,4, dvs. det samme som afrikansk savannelandskap: http://www.math.utsa.edu/~yxk8...
It is possible to highlight the connection between an observer and the microscopic structure of materials, which is obtained via the scaling hierarchy. From the human scale on down, there exists an infinite hierarchy of decreasing scales connecting us to the basic components of matter. This downward scaling links man to the microcosm, and is just as important as the more obvious connection to the larger scales. We establish a strong connection to materials that have a clear hierarchical microstructure, but not to featureless materials that are either amorphous, transparent, or highly reflective.
Materials lacking in natural qualities often result in unresponsive surfaces. That is in part due to the ways they are employed. Modern materials, which as a rule have no ordered microstructure, can establish an emotional connection only through the scaling hierarchy. One needs to differentiate surfaces and to articulate subdivisions much more than with natural materials. That might involve combining matte with shiny materials, and re-introducing detail and color. We do not advocate copying natural materials, but rather finding expressive means to utilize each material’s own intrinsic capabilities." – Nikos A. Salingaros
Et optimalt skaleringshierarki ≈ 2,7. Se: http://meandering-through-math...
Min andre innvending er at de fleste moderne bygninger som kles med solcellepaneler har stressende takformer, særlig ser jeg at halvsaltak er populært, hvor taket kuttes på midten, noe som helt ødelegger effekten av det vernende taket, eller "Sheltering Roof":
"We believe that this connection between the geometry of roofs, and their capacity to provide psychological shelter, can be put on empirical grounds: first, there is a kind of evidence which shows that both children and adults naturally incline toward the sheltering roofs, almost as if they had archetypal properties." — A Pattern Language, page 571Hele artikkelen min hos PRI-Australia om Alexanders "Pattern" 117, SHELTERING ROOF, kan lastes ned her: http://permaculturenews.org/20...
Til slutt et bilde jeg fant på Wikimedia som viser hvor galt det kan gå: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wi...
Her ser man tydelig den monotone strukturen til solcellepanelene i kontrast til den organiske strukturen til huset. Er det noe som virkelig er nedtrykkende og kan gjøre et menneske deprimert, så er det monotoni. Jeg vil anbefale å lese artikkelen "Why Monotonous Repetition is Unsatisfying": http://permaculturenews.org/20...
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Men så vakkert som disse teglsteinstakene, nei det kan det aldri bli. |
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